Search & Directory of Denmark - danish family-friendly websites.
Directory is well organized. Free to submit sites to this directory
if the site is from Denmark and have an English written description.
Koala Designs is a specialized company with skills in search engine optimization (søgemaskineoptimering), general development of websites from scratch or customizing of existing systems.
We can handle both regional and international customers and aim at small / middle sized firms who need to improve on either visibility in search engines or need a new optimized website.
Keywords: seo, søgemaskineoptimering, search engine optimization, specialist, webdesign, optimize
Comment by: Linken, 27-07-2008 : 02:44 Quality søgemaskineoptimering by Koala Designs. We used them for 2 projects and over a period of 3 months their services turned our business totally around.
Visibile can be your guide to the danish market. We can help you penetrate the danish market, with our year long knowledge with seo ( search engine optimization
Lars Bachmann is a danish webdeveloper and searchengine expert. On his blog you can find severel tips and tricks on how to receive better rankings in the se
Online Marketing in the Scandinavian countries. Extend your customer base into the Scandinavian markets. At IIH Copenhagen we help companies enter the Scand